PJ Day & Reading Marathon

Date: 23 March, 2018 Today is the last day of Readathon for lower primary! Our…

Mystery Readers

Date: 12-22 March, 2018 Our students went to the library at lunch recess to…

Readathon Results

Prizes Class Prizes: 1. Free dress day – 100% class goal achieved  G.4 – G.6…

Readathon Update

Readathon is in full swing, and Preparatory-Grade 3 students have kicked off…

Readathon 2018: “The Reading Tree” (Prep – G.3)

Dear Parents, READATHON 2018 is an annual, community based event currently in…

Buddy Reading

Date: 27-28 February, 2018 Buddy reading program promotes the value of reading…