If a student spends a minimum of 20 minutes a day reading outside of the classroom, they will have read over 800 hours by Grade 6 and have read over 20 million words by the time they graduate from high school!   Home reading is critical for expanding one’s literacy skills, and summer reading is essential to maintain it. (Phoenix Academy, 2013)

The goal of the summer reading program is to engage students in a minimum of 20 minutes daily reading of materials of THEIR choice.  You are probably planning summer activities for your children, so why not take the opportunity to make reading a part of your child’s life over the summer months by joining the library’s Summer Reading Journey.

Where can I find books to read for the Summer Reading Journey?

The library invites all students to join our Summer Reading Journey. Each participating student will have a mission to read a minimum of 20 minutes every day!

TRAVEL EQUIPMENT (issued by the homeroom teacher):

  1. Summer Reading passport containing 50 destinations
  2. Passport stamp
  3. YOUR daily reading (minimum 20 minutes)


  1. Write your name and class on your Summer Reading Passport
  2. For each day that you read a minimum of 20 minutes, stamp ONE destination (only 1 stamp a day)
  3. Immigration Ambassadors (Parents or Guardians) need to initial or sign next to EACH day the child has read a minimum of 20 minutes
  4. Collect all 50 stamps to qualify for an Arrival Prize

Bring in your completed Summer Reading Passport after summer and give it to your library teacher on your FIRST library lesson.

Enjoy the summer reading fun!